Prince Caspian production designer Roger Ford has worked in the film business for more than four decades but the set for King Miraz’s castle, which was built at Barrandov Studios, was the biggest he has ever designed.
King Miraz’s castle occupied 20,000 square feet and is partly based on Pierrefonds Castle, which is located outside Paris in France.
The castle took 200 carpenters, plasterers and painters 15 weeks to build.
CGI work during the film’s post-production will further increase the scale of Miraz’s castle by a factor of three.
A log bridge that will feature in Prince Caspian’s climactic final scene was built over the River Soca in the Bovec Region of Slovenia and took a team of 20 engineers and workmen 1 month to construct.
Ford based his design for the bridge on the one Julius Caesar built across the Rhine in his battle against the Germans.
To accommodate Ford’s plans industrial engineers temporarily rerouted the flow of the River Soca.
The London tube station where the Pevensie children begin their adventure in Prince Caspian isn’t located in London at all. Ford built the realistic set at the Henderson Studios on New Zealand’s North Island.
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In contrast to The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, make-up artist Tami Lane and Oscar winning make-up designer (for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) Howard Berger decided to create Narnians of many different ages and races for Prince Caspian. The new film will feature female Centaurs for the first time as well as Centaur children and an 80-year-old Faun.
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If some of the locations in Prince Caspian look familiar it’s because the production shot in some of the same remote areas of New Zealand’s South Island that previously appeared as Middle Earth in The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
The 130 extras who play Narnian creatures in Prince Caspian wore special creature suits and spent several hours having make-up applied each day.
Make-up effects designer Howard Berger worked with a team of 50 make-up artists and supervised 4,600 individual make-up sessions over the course of the production.
Actor Warwick Davis spent 3 ½ hours each day having a facial prosthetic applied to transform him into the Black Dwarf Nikabrik.
To make sure the cast of the film would be ready to shoot at the required time, Howard Berger, Tami Lane and their crew arrived on set every morning 5 hours before the rest of the crew.
Howard and Tami’s earliest wake-up call: 1:30 a.m.
Did you know?
Actor Warwick Davies is the only cast member of Prince Caspian to have starred in two different adaptations of the Narnia stories. In Prince Caspian he stars as Nikabrik, the Black Dwarf, while in the 1989 BBC production of Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader he played the swashbuckling mouse Reepicheep. In the latest version of the story Reepicheep will be a totally CGI creation.
Did you know?
Director Andrew Adamson spent more than a year searching for the right actor to play the title role in Prince Caspian but cast 26-year-old British actor Ben Barnes for the career-making part just 3 ½ weeks before shooting began.
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