Prom Stories

The stars of Prom Night shared their own memories of the quintessentially American rite of passage that signifies the end of high school life and the beginning of adulthood:

BRITTANY SNOW - "I went to the prom on TV in the '60s in 'American Dreams,' but I never went to a prom in real life. I was working the day of my high school prom. They tried to work it out with my production schedule but the way it worked out, I could either go to the prom, or go to my graduation party with my ten best girlfriends and all of our families. I thought it was more important for me to have this party with my girlfriends and have the inside jokes and the slide show and all of our families would get to be there. Everyone said our party was better than the prom, so I feel like I made the right choice."

JOHNATHON SCHAECH - "At the end of the evening, I remember being in a hotel parking lot when a group of kids approached us. Seeing that we were coming from the prom, one kid pulled a shotgun out. But I looked at one of the guys and remembered him from playing little league football. He remembered me too, and he told his buddies to let us go and we survived to graduate. Tough town."

SCOTT PORTER - "I went to six proms. Three were at my own school. In my sophomore year, I went with a senior, and then I had my own junior prom and then my own senior prom. I had to go to one at another school as a favor to my mom, whose co-worker had a daughter who needed a date. And then I had two other friends from other schools who invited me to theirs, so I had my share of proms."

DANA DAVIS - "I was super serious and didn't like the whole prom thing, so junior year I worked up a great lie if any guy asked me to the prom, and I managed to dodge the prom bullet that year. But my senior year, this guy asked me in January! So I hadn't worked up my lie yet. And so he asked me to go and I was like 'Oh, um, I don't have, oh, okay.' And so I ended up going with him and he won Prom King and was the superstar all night, signing autographs and taking pictures with the Prom Queen. I just sat there by myself, lonely and depressed, thinking 'wow, great prom…exciting.'"

COLLINS PENNIE - "I never got to go to the prom, which is something I regretted later on. What attracted me to this movie had a great deal to do with the fact that I didn't get to go to my own prom. So I was like 'Wow, by doing this movie, I get to experience what I didn't get to experience in high school.' Nelson gave me the best advice, he said 'Just relax and have fun. This is your senior prom many years in the making!'"

JESSICA STROUP - "I went to three proms. I was that girl who loved prom. I'm a Southern girl. I grew up in North Carolina, and I went to prom in once in junior year and twice in senior year. In my high school that was the only dance we had, so everything was built up into the prom and it was glorious! We started planning the summer before. I would travel to every single store, trying to find a dress. You'd walk in and see other girls, months before, doing the exact same thing. It was all about never seeing a replica of your dress!

"In this movie, we all wear our hair down and it's very natural. Where I'm from, it's poofed and pulled and teased. I had mine flicked back in the tightest something-or-other bun, I don't know! It took hours to get ready! I would start getting ready at around six o'clock in the morning and just go all day, getting primped and ready. All for a few hours of the actual prom! I had so much fun!"

KELLY BLATZ - "My prom was exactly how it is in this movie. We had the big screen and the setup was just like it is in the film. I went with my girlfriend, so I didn't have to do anything outrageous to ask anyone, which took a lot of pressure off me since that's probably the most stressful part for the guy. I remember we went to some park to take a thousand pictures with our parents and then we went to dinner, and then the prom. Afterwards, we went to a hotel where we all got a huge suite on the beach and it's all kind of blurry from there…."

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